Sgrìobh mi am pìos seo dhan Phàipear Bheag is Tobar an Dualchais mu dàimh ri àite.
I wrote this article for the West Highland Free Press and Tobar an Dualchais about connections to place.
Sgrìobh Mairi NicPhàidein is mi fhèin còmhla am pàipear seo ann an Scottish Affairs fon tiotal ‘On Cultural Darning and Mending: Creative Responses to Ceist and Fhearainn / The Land Question in the Gàidhealtachd’
A joint paper by Mairi McFadyen and myself was published in Scottish Affairs titled as above.
Chur mi beagan ris an alt seo air ceanglaichean air a’ Ghàidhealtachd is an luach airson
A joint piece with several friends on emerging networks in the Highlands published by
The Carrying Stream: Towards a plurality of possibilities
Beagan air dreasairean is pròiseact ealain a chruthaich mi as leth Tobar an Dualchais. Bhithinn toilichte naidheachdan fhaighinn bho neach sam bith a bhiodh airson cur ri leabhran air a bheil mi ag obair mun dreasair; cuimhneachain, bàidh, feum, dad idir.
A piece on dressers and an art project I developed for Tobar an Dualchais. I’d be glad to hear from anyone who would like to contribute to a planned compilation of stories around the subject of the dresser and their place in people’s affections.